Here's a bunch of cards I've made over the last few days. I'm trying to use up my scraps of pp and cs, and I've been going through my 'favorites' gallery at Splitcoast Stampers for ideas. I didn't keep track of who made what original though.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Friday, January 11, 2008
New Goodies!
I got my first order from the Spring/Summer catalogue today! I just got two sets so far, Happy Heart Day and Pun Fun.
The first is for my Valentine workshop, I used Perfect Plum, Pretty in Pink, and Berry Bliss paper. The second is for a birthday, and I used Bravo Burgundy Ribbon, Going Grey and Basic Grey paper.
Thanks for looking!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Let's Rock the Nontraditional!
I busted out little hedgie here to do a Valentine in the non-traditional colors; he's too cute! (Close to Cocoa DSP, Chocolate Chip ribbon, Chocolate Chip CS and ink, stamp from Fun and Fast Notes)
The purple card is my non-traditional Christmas card (stamp from Punch Pals, but I can't remember which shades the cardstock are)
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Hitting My Stash!
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